Dead Stock Quotes

I’m preparing to post a longer excerpt soon, but here are some enticing tidbits from DEAD STOCK, the first Bert Shambles mystery upcoming from Cozy Cat Press. These should give you some insight into the book and especially the main character, who is not always the sharpest blade on the Thanksgivukkah turkey, if you get…

The Wisdom of Bert Shambles

They say you shouldn’t burn your bridges, but they never tell you not to burn your tunnels. I wonder why. Maybe because they’re underwater so it would be pretty stupid to try. . . . Dead Stock will be published later this year by Cozy Cat Press. You can read more here.

On Being A Shambles

Bert Shambles, the main character in DEAD STOCK, has some identity issues: Then there’s my name. It feels like a curse, like I’ll never be able to be anything good or special with a name like Shambles. According to my mom it was originally Chambliss, but changed when my ancestors came over from France in…